With the Jamboree being cut short, many of us have much more leftover swaps than intended. This page is intended to showcase what I currently have on offer, as well as to show the badges that I already have (and no longer need). Please note that while I do my best to keep this page updated, some items may no longer be available if a swap is in progress and I have run out of a particular badge, For the same reason I apologize if you offer a badge that isn’t shown here, but I may already be in the process of swapping with someone else.
Please note I have all UK Units, and IST crews, and as such am not looking for doubles.
Please message me on Facebook to suggest a swap. Please let me know what badge/badges you are after and send photos of what you are offering (please do check below to see that I don’t already have it).
Selling: At the moment I am avoiding selling my standard Crew T badges due to the limited number left for swapping.
Items I have for swapping
What I am looking for
- 25th World Scout Jamboree Badges Only (No previous jamborees, other events, generic scout badges, sorry)
- 25th World Scout Jamboree Jamboree Scarfs
- 25th World Scout Jamboree pin badges and other jamboree items
- Tent Badges (Any I don’t have, but definitely the following)
- El Salvador
- Croatia
- Belize
- Germany
- Angola
- France
- Romania
- No UK units…. Except the following
- Unit 86 Circular badge only (not pear badge)
- No UK Crews
Items I already have
UK unit/crew badges are not listed. Please use the search function.
- All
- Badges
- Other
- Scarfs
- Pins
Swaps in Progress
Badges I am expecting, but may be open to if they don’t arrive for some reason.